Export a Package

Export a Package

The dab:Exporter allows the export of created packages. This makes it possible that not every employee has to create the same package again if there are several single-user installations.

The steps for exporting a package are explained below:

  1. The first step is to log into the dab:Exporter.
  2. In the main menu, select the Package management button.
  3. You will see all created packages as shown in the screenshot below
  4. Click the package you want to export. The background is highlighted in blue.

If you want to export several packages, you can combine them in a single package file. By pressing and holding the CTRL-key and clicking on the different packages, you can select several.
  1. Afterwards you have to click on the export button. You will be asked for the location where you want to save the package.
  2. After you have selected the location and clicked on b, the package will be saved.
  3. Finally you will be asked if you want to open the export directory.

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