Release Notes 0.94

Updated 10 months ago by Stephanie Krenz

New Features

You can now switch between light mode "Ocean blue" and dark mode "Pastel Blue". Watch this spot for future new skins.

  • Light mode
  • Dark mode
  • New dab Nexus Logo added to UI and Login
Installation, Upgrade and Initial Setup

A complete new installer checks the environment on all dependencies and the installation of dab Nexus much easier. The first start up of dab Nexus is now support by a setup which guides you through the steps of licensing, database connections and initial user creation.

Encrypted SQL sessions

dab Nexus now supports encrypted database connections and allows you to select the protocol for the SQL Connection. The various selections are:

  • Shared Memory
  • Named Pipes
  • TCP/IP

Technical Changes

  • Support of Contained Database Authentication
  • Enhanced and better logging within the application
  • Reworked Progress Overview of Analytic Runs displays more information on topics listed below:
    • Enhanced logging with filter options
    • Log download option
    • Audit log containing settings for analytic run and extraction
    • Third Party Service progress added
  • A selection of predefined field delimiters have been added to both File export options: CSV Export and Excel Export.
  • Miscellaneous UI changes


  • Third Party Service title without target
  • Form validation errors
  • Issue with permissions on Connector as user with the role data analyst
  • Issue with cloned analytic task raising an error
  • Fixed display of SAP Router input while Application Server is selected

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