How can passwords be reset?

Updated 2 months ago by Stephanie Krenz

dab Nexus

It can happen that users forget their password for dab Nexus.

This can be particularly difficult if this user has the admin role.

In these cases there are two options:

  1. There is another user in dab Nexus with admin authorizations
  • Click on Settings on top and change on the left to the tab Users
  • Open the respective user: via the three dots at the end of the user entry in the list
  • Click on the three dots at the top right: Change Password
  • Set the new password
  • The respective user now can login with the new password and can change the password by himself on the same way

If there is no other user in dab Nexus who has the admin role, this second option deletes ALL users from dab Nexus
  1. There is no other user in dab Nexus with admin authorizations
  • Open application database in Microsoft SQL Studio
  • Delete all entries from the AspNetUsers
  • Restart the Windows service of dab Nexus (you can read how this works in this article)
  • When opening dab Nexus, you now have the option of creating a first user with a password again

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

If you have problems with logging in to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio or have forgotten your password, your IT team can help you.

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