dab Link Installation


Download the file dabLink Setup 2.X.XX.zip from the customer area and unzip it. Afterwards you can start the installation by double-clicking the file dab Link Setup 2.X.XX.exe.

Please note, that you need administrator rights to install applications on your PC or laptop.

Then follow the installation process:

  • Select the target directory where the dab link is to be installed and click on Install

  • Once the installation is complete, you can click Finish to exit the installation and run the dab link directly

Command-Line Arguments

  • /S -> Silent install
  • /allusers -> Install for all users
  • /currentuser -> Install for current user only
  • /D -> C:\SomeWhere\dabLink\ - Install-Directory


PS C:\Users\X\Downloads> & '.\dabLink Setup 2.4.5.exe' /S /D=E:\SomeWhere\dabLink\

License Activation via Script

Every user needs a license. It is stored under %userprofile%/dabLink in the file License. After receiving the license-file you can just place the file unter the path %userprofile%/dabLink/License. After restarting dabLink the license will be directed automatically.

Here you can find a PS-Script to give every User on the terminal server the same license (Remove the -WhatIf, to deactivate the testrun):

ForEach($userProfileFolder in (Get-Item -Path 'C:\users\*')) {
$dabLinkFolderPath = $userProfileFolder.FullName + '\dabLink\'
If(!(test-path $dabLinkFolderPath))
Write-Host 'Create Folder' $dabLinkFolderPath
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $dabLinkFolderPath -WhatIf
$licenseFilePath = $dabLinkFolderPath + 'License'
Write-Host 'Copy license ' $licenseFilePath
Copy-Item -Path 'C:\Users\awyrobek\Desktop\License' -Destination $licenseFilePath -Force -WhatIf
Write-Host '----------'

The script only makes sense, if you have a company-license (restricted on the windows domainname)

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