Detail Section

Updated 7 months ago by Stephanie Krenz

Let's now take a closer look at the detail area on the right-hand side of the package editor. Here you can make settings for the elements that you have created on the left-hand side - i.e. tables, virtual tables, filters and repositories.

If you have not yet selected or created anything on the left-hand side, Nothing selected yet will be displayed on the right-hand side. This is because this area changes depending on the selected element. Let's go through the different views.

Details for Tables

If you have clicked on a table in the left-hand area so that it is highlighted in blue, this view is shown on the right-hand side (here using T001 as an example):


  • Table name -> SAP table name, cannot be changed
  • Alias -> Can be changed as required and controls the later table name in the database
  • Strategy
    • Merge -> Attempts to link new results with existing results
    • Overwrite -> Deletes existing results and saves the new ones
    • Append -> Appends the new results to the existing ones
    • Layout -> Specially developed for tables that the user is not authorized to access


  • Select
    • All -> Select all fields in the table
    • None -> Uncheck all fields except the mandatory fields
    • Magnifier -> Search for a specific field
    • A to Z -> Sort the fields alphabetically or back to the initial sort order
    • Refresh Fields -> Refresh the view
  • Fields
    • Primary Keys -> Fields with a key at the beginning of the line are mandatory fields and cannot be deselected
    • Hovern -> Hover over a column name with your mouse pointer and the description of the field will be displayed


  • Plus + -> You can assign an existing filter using the + on the right
  • Square with arrow (only useful if the filter assignment has been created) -> Redirects you to the filter (as if you would click on this filter in the left area)
  • Filtername -> Select an existing filter in the left drop-down menu (which was created in the left area)
  • Field -> Select the field to be filtered in the right-hand drop-down menu
  • Bucket -> You can use the bucket to delete this filter assignment to the field (the original filter is retained)


  • Plus + -> You can add a dependency to an existing repository using the + on the right
  • Square with arrow (only useful if the repository has been created) -> Redirects you to the repository (as if you were to click on this repository in the left pane)
  • Repository -> Select an existing repository from the drop-down menu (which was created in the left-hand area)
  • Submenu -> Opens as soon as you have selected a repository, can also be opened via the icon to the left of the bucket icon (C or A)
    • Edit Dependency - *Repositoryname*
    • Dependency Type
      • In -> Query with IN-Statement -> e.g. BELNR IN (1,2,3,4,...)
      • Between -> Query with Between-Statement -> e.g. BELNR Between 1 and 10
      • Optimized -> Combination of IN- and Between-Statements -> BELNR between 1 and 5 AND BELNR NOT IN (1,2,3,5)
    • Custom Mapping -> If active, the link between the elements themselves can be selected -> Works if the fields here have the same name as in the table (case-sensitive)
    • Identity -> Mapping to the filter and the filter field
  • Bucket -> You can use the bucket to delete this dependency for the repository (the original repository is retained)

Target Repositories

  • Plus + -> You can add new target repositories via the + on the right
  • Square with arrow (only makes sense once the assignment has been created) -> Redirects you to the repository (as if you were to click on this repository in the left pane)
  • Repository -> Select an existing repository from the drop-down menu (which was created in the left-hand area)
  • Submenu -> Opens as soon as you have selected a repository, can also be opened via the icon to the left of the bucket icon (C or A)
    • Edit Target Source - *Repositoryname*
    • Custom Mapping -> If active, the link between the elements themselves can be selected -> Works if the fields here have the same name as in the table (case-sensitive)
    • Identity -> Assignment between field and filter
  • Bucket -> You can delete this assignment via the bucket (the original repository is retained)

Details for virtual Tables

With one exception, the structure here is the same as in the tables.

In this view, only the Strategy is absent in the General section.

Details for Filters


  • Filtername -> Freely selected filter name
  • Required -> Active (Filter is required), Inactive (Filter is optional)
  • Offline -> Filter is only applied in dab Nexus, not directly in the SAP tables (ensures better extraction performance for very large SAP tables or for searches on table fields without indexing)
  • Type
    • Input -> User enters the value
    • Fixed Value -> Value is set in the Package
    • Well Known -> Provides the user with input help / search help (e.g. for company code, language, etc.)
    • Fiscal Year
  • Data Type
    • String -> Character string (e.g. for flags with X or for texts)
    • Date
    • Numeric -> Number
  • Condition





Both values are equal

100 = 100

Not Equal

Both values are not equal

100 <> 99


One value is greater than the other

100 > 99

Greater Equal

One value is greater than or equal to the other

100 >= 99/100


One value is less (smaller) than the other

99 < 100

Less Equal

One value is less than or equal to the other

99/100 <= 100


One value contains parts of the other

%est is contained in Test

Not Like

One value doesn't contain parts of the other

%ame is not contained in Test


A value in a certain range

5 is between 3 and 7


One value exists in a series of other values

DE exists in the series

'DE, EN, IT, FR'

Not In

A value doesn't exist in a series of other values

DE doesn't exist in the series 'EN, IT, FR'


A value (Character String) must be emtpy

Value = ''.

Not Empty

A value (Character String) must be filled

Value = 'Here is a text'.

Values / Ranged Values

The next sub-area changes depending on what you have selected under General -> Condition.
Between -> Ranged Values -> Enter range for value
Example: Company code from 1000 to 2000

Empty and Not Empty-> No value range available

All other Conditions -> Values -> Enter a value
Example: Company code is 1000
It can happen that already entered values in Values are not adopted when switching to another condition.
This happens in the following constellation:
You have already entered a value in a condition (e.g. Equal) and now switch to the Between condition.
The value is not adopted. The same happens in the reverse order.


  • Plus + -> You can add a new value using the + on the right
  • Value ->Enter the value to be filtered (depending on the condition)
  • Bucket -> You can delete the value via the bucket

Ranged Values

  • Plus + -> You can add a new value using the + on the right
  • Value from - to -> Enter the values to be filtered between here (only for Condition Between)
  • Bucket -> You can delete the value via the bucket

Table Relations

The links between (virtual) tables and this filter are displayed here.

  • Plus + -> You can add a new link using the + on the right
  • Square with arrow -> Redirects you to the (virtual) table
  • Bucket -> You can delete the link to the (virtual) table via the bucket

Details for Repositories


  • Name of the Repository


  • Enter an SAP column name to enable auto-mapping -> If you enter a name here that does not reflect a column in one of the selected tables, you must link the fields manually
  • Plus + -> You can add a new filter using the + on the right
  • Bucket -> You can delete the link to the column via the bucket


  • Reflects the table for the entry at Fields
  • Plus + -> You can add a new filter using the + on the right
  • Square with arrow -> Redirects you to the (virtual) table
  • Bucket -> You can delete the link to the column via the bucket


  • Repository collects values and then uses them to limit the values in the other tables accordingly
  • Plus + -> You can add a new filter using the + on the right
  • Square with arrow -> Redirects you to the (virtual) table
  • C -> Clicking on this opens a submenu in which you can choose between Dependency Types (In, Between, Optimized), see the custom mapping and specify which field is to be used for the mapping under Identity
  • A -> Is displayed instead of C if the field could be linked automatically due to the matching filter name
  • Bucket -> You can delete the link to the column via the bucket
The package element Reports is added with version 1.12.

Details for Reports

Only reports that have a tabular output can be used.

You have various options in the detail area for your reports. These are explained below:


  • Report Name-> Name of the added report from your selected SAP system, cannot be changed
  • Alias -> Can be changed as required and controls the later table name in the database


This area changes depending on whether the report could be found or not.

  • No Filter configured -> Report could be found, but no filter has been created yet
  • No Parameters available -> Report could not be found, therefore no fields for filtering are available here

In our example, we create the Comments filter (General: Fixed Value, String, Like / Values: Z_Kommentar: Test % / Report Relations: Report -> RS_ABAP_SOURCE_SCAN and Field -> Comment):

In the detail area of the report, the whole thing looks like this:

This setting causes the entire ABAP code of the SAP system to be scanned and all comment lines beginning with Z_Kommentar: Test are found.

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