Release Notes 1.1.x
New Features
Privacy Protection
Personal data is now encrypted at the time of extraction if you want it to be. Privacy Protection works a predefined list of fields that are defined as sensitive and to be pseudonymized. The list can be extended with additional fields according to your needs.

Excel output example (Same values generate the same pseudonymized values)

Technical changes
- SAP System settings can edited now to remediate typos.
- Updates of the Content Suite (ready-made tests of dab) can now be done as dab Nexus Admin via the settings menu without the need of elevated rights on the server.

If the "old" module is still implemented instead of the new certified module, it is necessary to switch to the RFC function type "Legacy", but the application did not care about the change. Although we are advocates of the new certified module, we do not want to push it so hard, so we fixed that.