Release Notes 0.90
New Features
Introduced Usermanagement: The new user management of dab Nexus introduces new roles and permissions to a user, that define what the user can and cannot do. There are 4 roles and each role inherits specific permissions of what a user with an assigned role can do.
- New Settings Tab for Usermanagement
- Users can be assigned to User Groups
- Users can be assigned to User Roles
- New Roles
- System Admin
- Data Architect
- Data Analyst
- Data Consumer
- Users and User Groups can be assigned to Workspaces to limit access
Technical Changes
- Replaced IdentityServer with OpenIddict
- Changed windows timezones to IANA for scheduler
- Update to .NET 5.0
- Update to Angular 12
- ABBYY Timeline Token refresh not working
- Clone of analytic tasks has missing steps
- Scheduling issues
- Special characters in runname caused database initalization to fail