Content Release Notes 2.1.x (SQL)
Updated 1 year ago
Marco Kretschmann
Release Notes 2.1.11
Additions & improvements:
- AP_RootCause:
- Execute Root Cause AI for nearly every AP Analytic Step
- All AP Analytics:
- Added required fields for execution of Root Cause AI
- PI_O2C_Split and PI_P2P_Split:
- Prepared analytic for
Release Notes 2.1.10
Additions & improvements:
- SD_CriticalCountries:
- SD_ConditionChanges:
- Added KONV_KINAK to standard extraction list
- SD_ManualConditionChanges:
- Added KONV_KINAK to standard extraction list
- SD_BaseTable:
- Check c_Next_CredLimit_XX fields for numeric values
- AP_DuplicatePaymentsEnhanced:
- Added missing prefixes
- Added missing dab:Link columns
- Creation of one line pool that is linked to the list
Release Notes 2.1.9
- PU_CurrencyKeyChanges:
- Removed dab Link columns for item level, analytic is only on header level
Release Notes 2.1.8
Additions & improvements:
- CU_BaseTable, GL_BaseTable, MM_BaseTable, PU_BaseTable, SD_BaseTable, VE_BaseTable:
- Consider client fields in extracted data to improve performance
- PU_BaseTable:
- Removed field c_PO_Approver_History
- PI_O2C_EventLog:
- Performance optimization for sales orders out of scope and deliveriers out of scope
- PU_BaseTable:
- Added info for EBAN fields based on EKET info
- Removed c_Requ_Value info based on EBELN fallback solution
- SD_BaseTable:
- Check for partner functions on partner roles RE and RG also on item level
- MM_QuantityUnitChanges:
- Added CDPOS_VALUE_NEW to standard result set
- VE_NoDuplicateCheckFlag
- Added filter to customers without deletion flags
- SD_ConditionChanges:
- Added KONV_KWERT and KONV_KSTAT to standard results set
- SD_ManualConditionChanges:
- Added KONV_KWERT and KONV_KSTAT to standard results set
- UserOverview tables for AP/AR/BL/DL/GL/PU/SD:
- Added company code to join for changes
- AR_OpenItems:
- Fix bug for c_Overdue_360 when overdue age is exactly 361 days
- Rename CU_DeletionBlockChanges to CU_DeliveryBlockChanges
- MM_BaseTable:
- Fixed broken MARA client join
- SD_BaseTable:
- Fixed broken ADRC client join
- All Analytic Steps:
- Fixed currency conversion for bad TCURF data
Release Notes 2.1.7
- All Analytic Steps:
- Fixed a potential problem with missing fields in the tables ADRC, BSEC, KONP and VBFA when the package is generated in dab Nexus >= 1.11
Release Notes 2.1.6
- All Analytic Steps:
- Fixed currency conversion for very old TCURR entries
Release Notes 2.1.5
Additions & improvements:
- BL_ListValueVsNetValue:
- Added removal of inactive conditions
- BL_BaseTable:
- Consider VBRP_KOWRR to identify statistical values for VBRP_NETWR
- Added columns VBRP_KOWRR and c_Statistical_Value_RC
- If it is a statistical value c_VBRP_NETWR_DC / _LC / _RC will be 0 and the value is represented in colum c_Statistical_Value_RC
- Removed check for ZTAGG = 00 for T052U_TEXT1 text determination
- SD_BaseTable:
- Removed check for ZTAGG = 00 for T052U_TEXT1 text determination
- All Analytic Steps:
- Fixed currenccy conversion decimals for negative conversion rates
- BL_BaseTable:
- Removed reference to KONV, since it is not used in the output
Release Notes 2.1.4
Additions & Improvements:
- CU_SpecialPaymentTerms:
- Added c_BUKRS to result set
- c_PT_Differ shows X if sales org payment terms aare not equal company code level payment terms
- PU_InvoiceReceivedAfterFinalInvoiceFlag:
- Check for CDPOS_VALUE_NEW = 'X'
- VE_SpecialPaymentTerms:
- Added c_BUKRS to result set
- c_PT_Differ shows X if purch org payment terms are not equal company code payment terms
- MD_BaseTable:
- Removed HKNOT determination and localization
- Removed folllowing fields from output and FieldList in MD_BaseTable and MD_InventoryCounts:
- c_SKAT_TXT20_1
- c_SKAT_TXT20_2
- c_SKAT_TXT20_3
- Removed tables BSEG and SKAT from extraction package for MD
- BL_BaseTable:
- Removed list value information from result set
- BL_FreeGoods:
- Removed list value information from result set
- SD_BaseTable:
- Removed list value information from result set
- VE_BaseTable:
- Added colmns for c_Count_BankAccounts and c_Count_Countries
- VE_BankCountryDifference:
- Removed information from B segment
Release Notes 2.1.3
Additions & Improvements:
- AP_DuplicatePayments with AI:
- Creation of a Pool
- Creation of a one line result table
- Calling the R-Script
- AP\_ and AR_ManualPayments:
- Replaced c_BKPF_TCODE, c_TSTCT_TTEXT, c_BSAK_BSCJL, c_TBSLT_LTEXT with c_BKPF_TCODE_Clearing, c_TSTCT_TTEXT_Clearing, c_BSAK_BSCHL_Clearing, c_TBSLT_LTEXT_Clearing
- SD_PaymentTermsChanges:
- Changed fieldname from c_T052U_ZTAGG_VON to c_T052_ZTAGG_VON
- Added a fix to come by for 00 cases in ZTAGG to avoid NULL
- AP_BaseTable:
- Removed c_Clearing_History
- c_BSAK_BSCHL_Clearing and c_TBSLT_LTEXT_Clearing contain the posting key of the first clearing line item
- Fixed determination of multiple clearing line items
- c_BSAK_BSCHL_Clearing_Count, c_BSAK_BSCHL_Clearing_Concat, c_TBSLT_LTEXT_Clearing_Concat indicate the posting keys for multiple clearing line items
- AR_BaseTable:
- Removed c_Clearing_History
- c_BSAK_BSCHL_Clearing and c_TBSLT_LTEXT_Clearing contain the posting key of the first clearing line item
- Fixed determination of multiple clearing line items
- c_BSAK_BSCHL_Clearing_Count, c_BSAK_BSCHL_Clearing_Concat, c_TBSLT_LTEXT_Clearing_Concat indicate the posting keys for multiple clearing line items
- SD_PaymentTermsChanges:
- Changed fieldname from c_T052U_ZTAGG_VON to c_T052_ZTAGG_VON
- Added a fix to come by for 00 cases in ZTAGG to avoid NULL
- PI_P2P_Split:
- PO_Amt_RC now has the value from the first event
- BL_BaseTable:
- Fix the fix for NULL values and currency fields when no matching entries in KONV_BL exist
- CU_BankAccountChanges, VE_BankAccountChanges:
- Remove duplicates when payment runs outside the bank account validity exist
- MD_BaseTable:
- Potential freeze fix for account text determination
- SD_BaseTable:
- Use correct document creatin date for currency conversion of credit limit
- BL_InvoiceCanceled:
- c_VBRL_ERNAM_USTYP_Text_Cancel contains now the actual description of user type
- Updated the fieldlist and renamed fields from
- c_VBRK_ERNAM_Canc > c_VBRK_ERNAM_Cancel
- CU_CreditLimitChanges:
- Fixed a join that avoiced the proper display of description in c_CDHDR_USERNAME_USTYP_TEXT
Release Notes 2.1.2
Additions & improvements:
- Enabled dab Link by default for the complete analytic content
- Fixed issues with changing dab Link columns from dab Nexus Content Studio
- Rewrote the currency conversion to align results further with dab AnalyticSuite for ACL
- BL_BaseTable:
- Filter ADRC to ADRC_NATION = '' for partner function information, use first not empty ADRC_NATION as fallback
- DL_BaseTable:
- Filter ADRC to ADRC_NATION = '' for partner function informations use first not empty ADRC_NATION as fallback
- SD_BaseTable:
- Filter ADRC to ADRC_NATION = '' for partner function information, use first not empty ADRC_NATION as fallback
- Use VBKD_FKDAT for T052U_TEXT1 determination
- SD_PaymentTermsChanges:
- Use VBKD_FKDAT for T052 information
- PI_P2P_EventLog:
- Filter ADRC to ADRC_NATION = '' for partner function information, use first not empty ADRC_NATION as fallback
- CU_CreditLimitChanges:
- Rename SD_DeletionBlockChanges to SD_DeliveryBlockChanges
- AM_BaseTable:
- CU_BaseTable:
- DL_DeliveryWithoutSalesOrder
- PU_BaseTable
- PU_PurchaseOrderSplitsEBKN
- SD_OpenOrders
- VE_AlternativePayees
- CU_BaseTable_Changes:
- Fix join for bank account changes values
- CU_BankAccountChanges:
- Use CU_BaseTable_Finance as source table, instead of CU_BaseTable
- CU_BankCountryDifference:
- CU_Duplicates:
- Initiate c_Unique_Id with 0, even when the first category is empty
- VE_BaseTable_Changes:
- Fix join for bank account changes values
- VE_BankAccountChanges:
- Use CU_BaseTable_Finance as source table, instead of CU_BaseTable
- VE_BankCountryDifference:
- VE_Duplicates:
- Initiate c_Unique_Id with 0, even when the first category is empty
- PU_EqualUsers:
- Use c_EKPO_ERNAM instead of c_EKKO_ERNAM for comparison
- GL_UserOverview:
- Add BKPF_GJAHR and BKPF_BUKRS to c_UpdateKey
Release Notes 2.1.1
- MD_BaseTable:
- Fix potential freeze during execution
Release Notes 2.1.0
Additions & improvements:
- Introduce data quality management scripts:
- CU_DuplicatesEnhanced and VE_DuplicatesEnhances: Fuzzy duplicate search
- CU_Outliers and VE_Outliers: Outlier detection in master data
- AM_BaseTable, AR_BaseTable, AP_BaseTable, DL_BaseTable:
- Use indices for joining tables to improve performance and avoid tempdb running full
Release Notes 2.0.0
Additions & improvements:
- AU_SystemCheck:
- Added client info to AU_SystemCheck_Configuration
- AU_SystemCheck:
- Changed column names in AU_SystemCheck_TableProtocols
- Source -> System
- Tabname -> CheckedValue
- CurrencyConversion:
- Adjust calculation order for more precise results
- Updated field mapping for description headers
- AU_SystemCheck:
- Renamed column Mandant to Client
- Changed check parameter for MinPasswordLength to minimum of 6, removed maximum limitation of 8
- MasterPackage:
- Added deoendancy for purchasing contracts out of scope
- MD_BaseTable:
- Added client to joins to enhance performance
- MasterPackage:
- Added info abbout bank statements
- Tables are filtered to BUKRS in company code and EDATE in extraction period
- New Analytic: GL_AccountBalances
- O2C_BaseTable:
- Use VBFA_DL instead of VBFA
- AU_P2P_EventLog:
- Use correct source for activity type 'FI Invoice Reversal'
- AM_BaseTable:
- Add ANLC_GJAHR for CurrencyConversion
- AM_NeverDeprecated:
- Consider ANLB_AFABE for join to AM_BaseTable
- AP_BaseTable:
- Concatenate clearing BSCHL into c_BSAK_BSCHL_Clearing_Count
- Add count of different clearing BSCHL into new column -> c_BSAK_BSCHL_Clearing_Count
- AR_BaseTable:
- Concatenate clearing BSCHL into c_BSAD_BSCHL_Clearing
- Add count of different clearing BSCHL into new column -> c_BSAD_BSCHL_Clearing_Count
- BL_TaxOnForeignDelivery:
- Catch NULL values in filtering
- CU_DuplicateBankAccounts:
- Filter to customers that are not prepared for deletion
- DL_BaseTable:
- Use correct field for join to determine the text for c_AG_T077X_TXT30
- MD_SegregationsOfDuties:
- O2C_BaseTable:
- Change length of field c_BSAD_BSCHL_Clearing to MAX
- PU_PriceChanges:
- Fix calculation for fields:
- c_Price_Decreases
- c_Price_Decrease_RC
- c_Price_Increases
- c_Price_Increase_RC
- c_Price_Difference_RC
- c_PriceUnit_Changed
- c_Quantity_Changed
- c_NetPrice_Changed
- VE_CriticalBankAccountCountries:
- Added columns to standard result set:
- VE_DuplicateBankAccounts:
- Filter to vendors that are not prepared for deletion
- VE_ShortBankAccountLifetime:
- Clean c_LFBK_BANKN
- Change order for c_ZBNKL, now first REGUH_ZSWIF, then REGUH_ZBNKL
- VE_SpecialPaymentTerms:
- Remove dab Link for VendorLineItemList
- Use company code independent maximum of c_LastFIDoc_CreationDate and c_LastPUDoc_CreationDate from VE_BaseTable_Finance for result
- Use company code independent sum of c_LFC1_Turnover_Total_RC from VE_BaseTable_Finance for result
- PU_BaseTable: Apply correct sorting for item approvals and approval history, fix localisation for DD07T_STATU_DDTEXT
- PI_P2P_EventLog:
- Add columns:
- c_AgreementNetPrice_DC / \_LC / \_RC
- c_AgreementQuantityUnit
- c_AgreementPriceUnit
- c_AgreementOrderPriceUnit
- c_PurchaseOrderLineItemPriceUnit
- c_PurchaseOrderLineItemUnitOfMeasure
- c_PurchaseOrderLineItemOrderPriceUnit
- c_PurchaseRequisitionPrice_DC / \_LC / \_RC
- PurchaseRequisitionUnit
- PurchaseRequisitionUnitOfMeasure
- Consider EBELP for purchase order deletion and block changes
- Consider LIFNR for EORD assignment
- MM_Loan:
- Aggregate MVKE_KONDM into one column if there are more possible values
- DL_InvoiceAfterDeliveryYear:
- Change join between VBRP and BSAD to VBRP_VBELN = BSAD_VBELN
- AP_BaseTable:
- Use CurrencyConversion for c_BSAK_SKFBT_LC
- AP_InvoiceWithoutGoodsReceipt
- Calculate c_Difference based on BSAK_BLDAT
- AR_BaseTable:
- Use CurrencyConversion for c_BSAD_SKFBT_LC
- BL_BaseTable:
- It is not neccessary anymore to have a KONV entry for CurrencyConversion
- CU_BaseTable_Finance:
- Consider only account documents that are in timescope for c_First_FI and c_Last_FI
- CU_SpecialPaymentTerms:
- Fix count for more entries in KNVV
- SD_BaseTable:
- fixed credit limit determination
- VE_BaseTable_Finance:
- Consider only account documents that are in timescope for c_First_FI and c_Last_FI
- VE_BankAccountChanges:
- Fixed calculation for c_Used_During_Lifetime
- Changed TIBAN join to cleansed fields
- PU_BaseTable:
- Consider also EKET for c_BNFPO if EKPO_BNFPO is 00000