
Updated 3 months ago by Stephanie Krenz

The execution of a task is called a run. Depending on the settings made in the task schedule, one or more runs can be executed.


After successfully completing the task creation, you will be taken to the overview of the runs in the corresponding task. You can also get this overview by clicking on Workspaces -> Workspace name -> Task name. You will then also see an overview of the runs that have already been executed or are currently running.

Here you can see the following information:

  • Run: the serial number is included here. Click on the number to see further details of the run.
  • Status: Success, Waiting, Failed, Running
  • Duration: describes how long the run took
  • Start Time & End Time: start and end of the run with date and time

All settings made in the task are listed in the area on the right-hand side.


The steps that are executed in a run can vary depending on the settings in the workspace and task.

Click on the run number to see al details of the run.

Step SAP Tables - Extract

At the top left you can see the name of the task and the run number with an indicator for the status (blue dot = run is currently running, green = success, red = failure, gray = canceled).

Below this, the number of tables being extracted from your SAP system and how many of them have already been completely extracted is displayed.

The large table overview provides you with the following information:

  • Table alias & SAP table name
  • Type (Table by default)
  • Status of the extraction of this table (green = success, red = failed, gray = canceled, blue dot = running, gray clock = waiting)
  • Number of rows already extracted (these are usually extracted in packets of 15,000 to avoid overloading the SAP system)
  • Duration of the extraction of this table
  • Start and end time of the table extraction

As of dab Nexus version 1.14, you can copy the table names saved in SQL to the clipboard. This function is explained in more detail below.

In the overview of tables, their alias and status, etc., you can simply copy the table name saved in SQL to your clipboard by clicking on a table alias name.


You click on the alias EKBE for the SAP table EKBE (as soon as you hover over the name with the mouse, the name is underlined and a copy symbol appears to the right of the name). If you now click on the alias, you will receive the following message: Copied to clipboard.

If you copy this name, EKBE becomes, for example, [DatabaseName].[SchemaName].[EKBE].

With one click you get the name of the task, the time of the run, the indicator for extracted data and the table name EKBE.

By default, only two tables are extracted at the same time. This was defined with the slots in the task.

You also have the following options at the top right:

  • Retry: a Run can be completely restarted (including re-extraction from the SAP system).
  • Reanalyze: the Run is restarted (without re-extraction from the SAP system).
  • Logs: you can filter for information, warnings and errors and download the entire log
  • Three Dots: you can cancel a current run (Cancel Run) or delete a run (Delete Run)

Below this is the process path. This shows which steps of the run have been completed, which are currently running and which are still to come. Below this are the parameters set for the task.

Step Analysis

Here you see the Result Tables and their status.

Step Third Party Services (if selected in the task)

At the top left, next to the type of Third-Party-Service (Excel, CSV, Alteryx, etc.), you will find a button to download the tables manually. Select the desired tables from the list and click on Download.

You can also use the gear wheel to open the settings set for the Third-Party-Service. You can see the status of the export with the display of how many tables have already been extracted and how many are still pending.


You can take a look at the results as soon as the run has been completed.

Excel- & CSV-Files

You can find the Excel or CSV files via the path specified in the task.


The tables with names starting with dbo. contain the specified settings with all elements linked to the run.

Tables with names starting with ExtractedData. contain the data from the respective SAP table.

Tables whose names start with Results_ contain the results tables.

If, for example, pseudonymization was selected in the task, all user names etc. in the results tables are replaced by an encryption string. Identical usernames receive the same encryption string here!

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