Content Release Notes 2.2.x (SQL)
Updated 11 months ago
Stephanie Krenz
Release Notes 2.2.3
Additions & improvements:
- DL_RootCause:
- Execute Root Cause AI for nearly every DL Analytic Step
- All DL Analytics:
- Added missing fields for execution of Root Cause
- AM_RootCause:
- Execute Root Cause AI for nearly every AM Analytic Step
- All AM Analytics:
- Added missing fields for execution of Root Cause
- GL_RootCause:
- Execute Root Cause AI for nearly every GL Analytic Step
- All GL Analytics:
- Added missing fields for execution of Root Cause
- MD_RootCause:
- Execute Root Cause AI for nearly every MD Analytic Step
- All MD Analytics:
- Added missing fields for execution of Root Cause
- MM_RootCause:
- Execute Root Cause AI for nearly every MM Analytic Step
- All MM Analytics:
- Added missing fields for execution of Root Cause
- SD_RootCause:
- Execute Root Cause AI for nearly every SD Analytic Step
- All SD Analytics:
- Added missing fields for execution of Root Cause
- EB_CriticalPayeeCountries, EB_PayeeCountryDifference and EB_PayeeDifference:
- Initial port from dab AnalyticSuite (ACL)
- Custom Analytics:
- Added function for alphabetic filtering dabFilterAlphabetic
- MD_UnusualPostings:
- Matching analytic name in the sql code
- Currency conversion:
- Omit unvalid entries in TCURR
- BL_BaseTable:
- Remove T052_ZDART from payment term selection
- SD_BaseTable:
- Remove T052_ZDART from payment term selection
Release Notes 2.2.2
- Root_Cause_Analyse.R:
- Column names are now correctly processed
- Fuzzy_Duplicates_in_Stammdaten_suchen.R:
- Now all findings are handed over to SQL
- All Analytics:
- Fixed decimal shift calculation for TCURX
- Fixed AR_CPD_NotUnique table missing
- Fuzzy_Duplicates_in_Stammdaten_suchen.R:
- Reduce amount of print statements to increase performance
- DQM-Scripts:
- Added missing fields TELF1 and STCEG
- For Duplicates changed datatype of Duplicate_ID to INT
Release Notes 2.2.1
- PU_OutlineAgreement:
- Fixed multiple entries for one contract in contract list
- CU_DuplicatesEnhanced & VE_DuplicatesEnhanced:
- Additional fields needed for R script
- Added new field Category
- Implemented error handling
- CU_Outliers & VE_Outliers:
- Additonal fields needed for R script
- Implemented error handling
- Fuzzy_Duplicates_in_Stammdaten_suchen.R:
- Added new columns
- Empty result is now processable
- Monkey_Typing_in_Stammdaten_suchen.R:
- Added new columns
- Empty result is now processable
- Fuzzy_Duplicates_in_Stammdaten_suchen.R-Script:
- Duplicate_ID is now filled with values
- CU_DuplicatesEnhanced & VE_DuplicatesEnhanced:
- Use PSTLZ from Basetables and do not use NULL as default value anymore
Release Notes 2.2.0
Additions & improvements:
- Master package:
- Updated the bundled master package to the new package variant format
- For content usage dab Nexus >= 1.11 is now required
- AR_RootCause:
- Execute Root Cause AI for nearly every AR Analytic Step
- All AR Analytics:
- Added required fields for execution of Root Cause AI
- Root_Cause_Analyse.R:
- Updated to newest Version of R Script 1.13
- PU_RootCause:
- Execute Root Cause AI for nearly every PU Analytic Step
- All PU Analytics:
- Added required fields for execution of Root Cause AI
- BL_RootCause:
- Execute Root Cause AI for nearly every BL Analytic Step
- All BL Analytics:
- Added required fields for execution of Root Cause AI
- fMM_Inventory_Coverage:
- Added T001K_BUKRS to standard result set
- MM_LocationCodes:
- Renamed c_UpdateKey to c_UpdateKey_AnalyticStep
- MM_MaterialTextChanges:
- Added c_UpdateKey_AnalyticStep to standard result set to avoid duplicates
- Removed c_UpdateKey and MARC_WERKS from standard result set to avoid duplicates
- Added c_Language, USR02_USTYP, c_USR02_USTYP_Text to standard result set
- MM_NoMinPOQty:
- Added T001K_BUKRS, T001W_NAME1, MBEW_LBKUM, c_MBEW_SALK3_RC, MARA_MTART and T134T_MTBEZ to standard result set
- MM_PriceComparison:
- Changed calculation for c_SD_Invoice_NETPR_RC
- Added c_VBRP_NETWR_RC and c_EKBE_NETWR_RC to standard result set
- MM_QuantityUnitChanges:
- Added c_UpdateKey_AnalyticStep to standard result set to avoid duplicates
- Removed c_UpdateKey and MARC_WERKS from standard result set to avoid duplicates
- Added USR02_USTYP and c_USR02_USTYP_Text to standard result set
- MM_TaxClassificationChanges:
- Added c_UpdateKey_AnalyticStep to standard result set to avoid duplicates
- Removed c_UpdateKey and MARC_WERKS from standard result set to avoid duplicates
- Added USR02_USTYP and c_USR02_USTYP_Text to standard result set
- Renamed c_Old_Valuation_Class_Text to c_Old_Tax_Classification_Text and c_New_Valuation_Class_Text to c_New_Tax_Classification_Text
- MM_ValuationClassChanges:
- Added c_UpdateKey_AnalyticStep to standard result set to avoid duplicates
- Removed c_UpdateKey from standard result set to avoid duplicates
- Added USR02_USTYP, c_USR02_USTYP_Text, CDPOS_VALUE_NEW and c_New_Valuation_Class_Text to standard result set
- PU_BlockRemoved:
- Added filter for CDPOS_VALUE_NEW = '' and c_CountOfPostings > 0
- PU_ComparingQuantities:
- Added tolerances to identify findings and exclude findings that are within the tolerance
- Added columns c_Overdelivery_Category, c_Creator_Last_GR, c_Creator_Last_GR_Department to standard result set
- PU_GoodsReceiptAfterEndDeliveryFlag:
- Added column c_ELIKZ_First_Set to standard result set
- PU_GoodsReceiptsQuantityVsInvoiceReceiptQuantity:
- Added filter for EKPO_WEPOS <> ''
- Increased precision for c_Diff_Absolute to 3
- PU_GoodsReceiptUserEqualsPurchaseOrder:
- Added column c_DebitCreditStatus to standard result set
- PU_GoodsReceiptValueVsInvoiceReceiptValue:
- Added filter for EKPO_WEPOS <> ''
- Limited precision for c_Diff_Ratio to 2
- PU_InvoiceBeforePurchaseOrder:
- Changed analytic logic from EKKO_AEDAT to c_Item_CreationDate
- Changed column logic of c_Days_Before_PurchaseOrder and c_Days_Before_PurchaseOrder_Cluster form EKKO_AEDAT to c_Item_CreationDate
- Added column c_Item_CreationDate to standard result set
- PU_InvoiceReceivedAfterFinalInvoiceFlag:
- Added column c_EKBE_BUDAT_Last_2 to standard result set
- PU_InvoiceVsPurchaseOrderValue:
- Added filter for EKPO_WEPOS = ''
- Added column c_EKPO_NAVNW_RC to standard result set
- PU_NetPriceChange:
- Added columns c_NumberOfChanges, c_Category, c_Difference to standard result set
- PU_OutlineAgreement:
- Added column c_ListOfContracts to standard result set
- PU_PriceUnitChanges:
- Extended c_UpdateKey with CDPOS_CHANGENR
- Added column c_NumberOfChanges to standard result set
- PU_PurchaseOrderSplits:
- Added EKKO_KOSTL and EKKN_AUFNR to analytic logic
- Added columns EKKN_KOSTL and EKKN_AUFNR to standard result set
- PU_PurchaseOrderSplitsPurchasingGroup:
- Added EKKO_LIFNR <> '' and EKKO_EKGRP <> '' to filter
- PU_PurchaseOrderWithoutHistory:
- Added column c_OpenDays to standard result set
- PU_QuantityChanges:
- Added columns c_NumberOfChanges, c_Category, c_Difference to standard result set
- PU_ThreeWayMatch:
- Added column c_EKBE_DMTBR_3_RC to standard result set
- PU_Tolerances:
- Added CAST( AS INT) for c_Current_Overdelivery_Ratio
- PI_O2C_Split and PI_P2P_Split:
- Prepared analytic for
- Currency conversion:
- Removed dependency on TCURF by automatically determining the factors based on TCURR
- Should fix decimal shifts when the underlying customization in TCURF was broken
- Aligned the way how the conversation rate is choosen with dab AnalyticSuite (ACL)
- AP_CPD, AP_DuplicatePayments:
- Fixed crash when deselecting fields
- For AP_DuplicatePaymentsEnhanced certain fields will still be required to be selected for proper operation
- AR_CPD, AR_OpenItems:
- Fixed crash when deselecting fields
- CU_CreditLimitChanges, CU_SpecialPaymentTerms:
- Fixed crash when deselecting fields
- GL_Reversal:
- Fixed crash when deselecting fields
- MD_WriteOff:
- Fixed crash when deselecting fields
- MM_CompareMovingAveragePrice:
- Fixed crash when deselecting fields
- VE_AlternativePayees:
- Fixed crash when deselecting fields
- MM_BelowSafetyStock:
- Escaped NULL Values in MARC_EISBE and MBEW_LBKUM in calculation of c_Difference and c_LBKUM_Ratio
- MM_BlockedStock:
- Fixed calculation for c_LastConsumptionDate and consider MSEG_LGORT for c_LaseMovementDate, c_LastConsumptionDate, c_LastIssueDate and c_LastReceiptDate
- MM_ExceededMaximumStock:
- Escaped NULL Values in MARC_MABST and MBEW_LBKUM in calculation of c_Difference and c_LBKUM_Ratio
- Added c_UpdateKey to standard result set
- MM_UnusedMaterials:
- Fixed check for used materials
- MM_Loan:
- Fixed bug where c_MVKE_KONDM_Agg was not part of the result set
- MM_AgingInventory:
- Fixed calculation for c_LastConsumptionDate and removed MSEG_KZVBR from standard result set
- PU_GoodsReceiptAfterEndDeliveryFlag:
- Removed CDHDR_USERNAME from preselection
- Changed count of changes to all ELIKZ changes
- PU_InvoiceReceivedAfterFinalInvoiceFlag:
- Changed count of changes to all EREKZ changes
- PU_OpenPurchaseOrders:
- Escaped NULL values for c_Open_Quantity and c_Open_PurchaseOrder_Value_RC
- PU_PurchaseOrderWithoutRequisition:
- Escaped NULL values in filter logic
- PU_RequisitionValueVsPurchaseOrderValue:
- Escaped NULL values in filter logic
- SD_NetPriceDifference:
- Changed calculation formatting to TRY_CAST