Release Notes 1.11.x
Version 1.11 was released on 2023-09-08
Release 1.11.3
- Improved performance of Activity Log, particularly when customizing many columns in an Analytic Group.
- Fixed column customizing of Analytic Groups being deleted if the results page was not opened.
- Fixed an error that occurred when trying to delete an Analytic Group with a linked Extraction Package.
Release 1.11.2
- Fixed an issue where old packages were not transparently updated to the new format, leading to issues when trying to create new Analytic Runs.
- Fixed "Overwrite" data strategy for input data.
- dab Nexus no longer attempts to remove tables from databases that are already empty.
- Fixed table descriptions always being in German, irrespective of the SAP system language settings.
- Fixed a visual issue in the Package Studio where table relations appear empty when trying to add a new one.
Release 1.11.1
New Features
- User Exits Global_PreExecute and Global_PostExecute were added.
Release Notes 1.11
New Features
Package variants - The Package Studio now supports package variants! Instead of creating a new package when you only have small changes, you can create a new variant instead.
Tables, repositories and filters are still global, but you can change the relationship between those entities on a per-variant basis. In addition, this version introduces variant-specifc virtual tables, which can be used to fill repositories, but aren't written to the database. You can choose variants in the options of the Analytic Group or the Analytic Task (Extract Workspaces only).

Database scheme - You can now change the name of the scheme for raw data and results in the Data Strategy, or when creating a new Task.

Further Changes
- You can now force Privacy Protection for specific SAP systems.
- The SAP system list now shows which SAP systems are registered. Previously created SAP system might be erroneously shown as "not registered", in which case you can simply try to register it again to update its status.
- Required form fields are now indicated by an asterisk *.
- Result tables of Custom Analytics can now be used for Third-Party Services.
- The default sort order of some lists has been changed.
- You can now delete multiple elements of a Package at once.
- The status of Base Tables is shown in the Analytic Run progress view, even if it has not been selected.