Overview of the Content Studio

Updated 2 months ago by Stephanie Krenz

The Content Studio in dab Nexus allows you to customize the analyses of the Content Suite to the needs of your company. You can specify your own values for dependencies such as parameter tables or allow and deny lists and apply them to the analyses. With Analytic Groups, you can create freely definable groups of analyses and control the output of the analyses. With Custom Analytics, you can also create and run your own analytics, either independently or alongside the Content Suite analytics.

Analytic Groups

Analytic Groups in dab Nexus make it possible to customize and manage Analytic Tasks. To execute an Analytic Task, you need to create an Analytic Group and add the required analyses. Analytic Groups also facilitate sharing and collaboration on data-driven projects.

Custom Analytics (Add-On)

Custom Analytics is a premium Add-On that allows you to create personalized reports for a detailed analysis of key performance indicators. It helps you track key metrics and make data-driven decisions for your business growth and success.

Custom Analytics is an Add-On that is subject to a fee

Parameter Tables

Parameter tables store and manage input parameters for analyses. They allow you to customize the analyses to your needs and provide the input values for the analyses to generate the results.

Allow & Deny List

Allow & Deny List are used to manage values that are used as allowed or disallowed values in an Analytic Group to filter a result. They adjust the analyses and ensure that only authorized data is used. Allow and deny lists are part of the security system and help to protect data and ensure compliance with regulations.

User Exits

User exits allow you to upload and save custom code to customize analytics and meet specific requirements. They allow you to maintain multiple variants and switch between them as required.

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