Known Issues

Updated 1 year ago by Marco Kretschmann

Execution of the analytics AP_Dupl_Payments and AR_Dupl_CreditNotes fails under certain circumstances


  • The analytics AP_Dupl_Payments and/or AR_Dupl_CreditNotes were executed without AI-Enhancement
  • Root Cause is activated
  • Abort at analysis start


This is a known issue and will be fixed with a future update.

In the meantime, you can implement the following workaround:

  • Open the dab AnalyticSuite-Startscript in ACL for Windows
  • Open the subfolder _subscripts in the navigator
  • Open the script _TF_DoUpfrontChecks_R by double click
  • Overwrite the script in the lines 35 up to and including 51 with the following segment:
COM * Check which chosen and licensed steps are AI related
OPEN t_ActualLicensedAnalytics
EXTRACT FIELDS ALL TO t_AI_Licenses IF FIND("AI_") OR FIND("AU_AdaptiveAuthAssurance") OR (FIND("AP_Dupl_Payments") AND v_AP_Dupl_Paym_DoAI = T) OR (FIND("AR_Dupl_CreditNotes") AND v_AR_Dupl_CredNotes_DoAI = T)

COM * Write the AI steps in a variable separated by ;
OPEN t_AI_Licenses
ASSIGN v_AI_AnalyticList = BLANKS(1000)
GROUP v_AI_AnalyticList = ALLTRIM(v_AI_AnalyticList) + ";" + ALLTRIM(AnalyticStep)
v_AI_AnalyticList = ALLTRIM(SUBSTR(v_AI_AnalyticList 2 LEN(v_AI_AnalyticList)))
IF (v_TF_DO_RootCause) v_AI_AnalyticList = ALLTRIM(v_AI_AnalyticList) + ";Root_Cause_Analyse"

COM * If there are no AI scripts to be executed escape
  • Save the project and re-upload it to Robots if necessary

Abort upload to Results on desktop if the project path contains the characters Minus or Space


  • Execution on the desktop
  • Project path contains Minus- or Space
  • Cancel when uploading to Results


This is a known issue and will be fixed with a future update.

In the meantime, please adjust the project path accordingly so that it doesn't contain any minus or space characters.

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