User Exits

Updated 2 months ago by Robert Galetzka

Use at your own risk. Do not use user exits unless they are provided by your implementation partner. Changes can affect the results and are a source of error if used incorrectly.

User exits allow you to upload and save user-defined SQL-code. This allows you to change analyses to meet specific requirements. They allow you to customize the behavior of the dab:AnalyticSuite (SQL). You can maintain several variants in a user exit and switch between them as required.

  1. Choose a Table, for which you want to create the user exit
  2. Optional: create one or more variants, the standard variant can also be used and is called Default
  3. Edit: by clicking on Edit, the field below will be ready for input and you can enter your SQL-code. As soon as you have clicked on Edit, the Cancel and Save buttons appear at the top right. You can use them to cancel or save your adjustments.
  4. Upload: with the upload you can select a file from the browser and upload the SQL-code it contains. The content of the file is written to the field below (if no SQL-code was available) or compared (if coding was already available).

The three dots to the right of Edit allow you to create a new variant. To do this, click on Add new Variant and give the variant a name in the top center to the right of the table name. Alternatively, you can also delete the currently selected variant with Delete Variant *Variant name*.

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