
Updated 3 weeks ago by Stephanie Krenz

General Information

The TF_Import.xslx file is mandatory for every analysis run and allows various settings. These are general configurations or analysis specific.

The Excel file can be found in the customer area on our website in the archive

After downloading and extracting, the file can be used for configuration. Various worksheets are available for this purpose:



The first worksheet is used to define the critical countries.

The table contains three columns:

  • the first column shows the country key. This is the short form of each country.
  • the second column, named Country, contains the full form of each country.
  • the third and final column gives the reason why this country was placed on the list of critical countries in our standard definition.

We consider any country with a CPI (Corruption Perception Index) below 50. For a list of all countries and their CPI, see the CPI_allCountries worksheet or the Transparency homepage.

The second reason to flag a country as critical is tax haven countries. Our source for the definition of tax haven countries is the following website: Tax havens.

The list should be adapted to your own requirements, if analyses are used that refer to critical countries. Otherwise, the standard definition is used.


This worksheet contains a list of all existing countries and their CPI (Corruption Perception Index).

If countries are removed from this list, this will not affect the analyses. This table is for informational purposes only, so that an informed decision can be made as to whether or not a country should be considered critical.


In the worksheet Critical_Text all keywords for the search for critical texts are stored.

The Searchtext column is used to store keywords for which the GL_Critical_Texts analysis is to search in the posting texts of the general ledger.

This default definition can be edited by deleting and adding new search words.

In addition, the keywords can be categorized via the Area column in order to filter and visualize the hits more easily in the result.

To avoid unwanted hits, search words can be disarmed via the Whitelist column by listing in which contexts the word may occur.

Exclude GL Accounts

In addition, certain accounts can be excluded for the search for critical posting documents via the keyword search. To do this, store the account number and the account sheet in this table.


Payment postings are not included in the analysis by critical posting documents via the keyword search to avoid the same text being listed in both the invoice and the payment. If payment postings for specific company codes are to be considered, these company codes can be listed in the sheet CC_PaymPostings.


In order for the evaluation of the commission postings to take place, the accounts concerned, together with the chart of accounts, must be stored here.


WhiteList means that these entries are automatically excluded from the result. PaymentTerms_WhiteList is only relevant for CU_PaymTerms.


WhiteList means that these entries are automatically excluded from the result. For example, IncoTerms_WhiteList is only relevant for all CU_Incoterms and VE_Incoterms.


List of profiles or roles to be considered for generating the result of the AU_Critical_Profiles analysis.


Here the parameters for the analysis AP_TaxCodeCheck must be configured:




contains the system from which the data to be checked was taken -> e.g. PR1


contains the client of the SAP system -> e.g. 100


contains a unique number for the defined rule that is to be used for checking the control indicator


describes the rule in words and is displayed in the result.

If more than 3 rules apply to a document, only the unique number is displayed in the result.

TaxCode (MWSKZ)

contains the tax code(s) to be checked.

These must be entered in quotation marks -> e.g. "DT" or "DU"

TaxCode (T/F)

defines, wheter these tax codes are allowed T to be used with the defined rule or are they not allowed F.


check condition to be applied.

Important: Condition must be written in ACL syntax and only fields available in the AP base table can be used.


The KPIWiz worksheet offers the possibility to summarize analysis results according to certain criteria. This generates additional result tables with KPIs. An explanation of this result can be found here:

"KPI Result Table".

The configuration can be done as in the following:

Column Name

Description of the Column

Editable Column?


Name of the analysis for which a KPI result is to be created



Different summarization criteria are possible (can be combined):

CC = Company code

VE = Vendor

CU = Customer


Amount Field Analytic

This column shows which numeric field is being totaled


Filter Analytic

This column shows, for which filter criterion in the analytic the summarization is being made


Filter Base Table

This column shows, for which filter criterion in the BaseTable in the summarization is being made


Title Base Table

This column shows you the name of the corresponding BaseTable



Here you can select, whether you want to create KPI table for that analytic or not. Set an X to select the KPI


To adjust the settings on this worksheet, edit only the Select column. If you change other columns, the analysis may fail due to incorrect script syntax.

Module Description

Used for uploading the results to the results module. The texts maintained here serve as descriptions of the analytics (folders).

Table Description

Used for uploading the results to the results module. The results tables maintained here and their description texts are then displayed in the results module.


Is used for uploading the results to the results module. The columns stored here for each results table and their column titles can be selected for uploading to the results module.

It is also specified whether the columns are to be converted into a dab:link or are dynamically generated.

In addition to selecting the columns for uploading to the results module, you can also specify here which columns are to be exported to Excel.


Is used for uploading the results to the results module. Whenever an analysis result is to be uploaded into an already existing table, the table ID must be stored here.

The table ID can be displayed in the results module via the Show table IDs slider.

Please make the changes in TF_Import.xslx with care, otherwise this may cause the analysis runs to abort.

Storing .xlsx file

To use the TF_Import.xlsx correctly, you have to put the file in the correct place.

This place is:

  • for ACL AN Desktop: In the folder where the Analytic_Suite start Script is stored
  • for ACL AX: It has to be stored in the related files of your AnalyticSuite Collection:
  • for Robotics: under Input/Output the "TF_Import" file is stored and saved

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