dab:Exporter Server 64bit start/stop

In some situations it may be necessary to start or stop the service dab:Exporter Server 64bit manually

If the dab:Exporter Server 64bit is terminated, all currently running data extractions will be terminated as well.

dab:Exporter Server stop

  1. Press Windows key and search for services.msc (Services) and start the program
  2. Select the dab:Exporter Server 64bit in the list of services. It will then display "Service stop" to the left of the list. Please select this option with a mouse click to stop the service.

dab:Exporter Server start

  1. Press Windows key and search for services.msc (Services) and start the program
  2. Select the dab:Exporter Server 64bit in the list of services. It will then display "Service start" to the left of the list. Please select this option with a mouse click to start the service.

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