Where can I find the dab AnalyticSuite Support-Package?
The dab AnalyticSuite Support-Package is always created when an analysis terminates. You can then find it depending on how you use dab AnalyticSuite.
The Support-Package has the name SupportPackage_AS_[Date_Time].zip at the relevant location.
Using the dab AnalyticSuite
The dab AnalyticSuite in use with Analytics
If you use dab AnalyticSuite together with Analytics, the Support-Package will be created in the directory where you started the analysis.
The dab AnalyticSuite in use with Analytics Exchange
If you use dab AnalyticSuite with the Analytics Exchange, the Support-Package will be displayed in the Results section. Click on the Results section where the ZIP file is displayed.
The dab AnalyticSuite in use with Robotics
If you are using dab AnalyticSuite with Robotics, the Support-Package is available in the section under Robots --> Task Runs. To view the results in the output, click on the corresponding run.