Release Notes 1.3.x
Time for some QoL changes and it´s the final countdown! With 1.3 we path the way for 1.4 which will introduce the Package Studio. We are more than excited!
New Features
Data Strategy Deltas
In preparation for future delta functions, there is now a new strategy. Once set, the delta package (if available) of an extraction package is used to extract the delta.
Well Known Filters
The predefined filter values are back! Predefined values make it easier for you to select the following parameters:
- Company code
- Plant
- Purchase organization
- Sales organization
- Language
Company Code selection view

Technical Changes
- You can now add parameters via copy and paste and they are automatically split whenever they are separated by comma, semicolon or tab. They are also separated when they are line by line.
- The installer interface has been reworked.
- The SAP system name can now be changed.
- Logging has been improved to provide you with better support.
- Incorrect time entries in the log have been fixed.
- Package corruption when uploading packages in the Content Suite has been fixed.
- Minor problems with the interface and layout have been fixed.