SAP Legacy RFC Function Module

Updated 1 year ago by Marco Kretschmann

Besides the certified RFC function module /DABEXP/RFC_SAPCONNECTOR, other modules in the Z namespace were also supported in the past, which originate from old dab:Exporter installations or individual customer adaptations.

While these modules can still be used in dab Nexus, there are known issues with these modules and no updates are provided by dab nor are we able to provide support for them.
We recommend upgrading to /DABEXP/RFC_SAPCONNECTOR if you are still a user of these modules.

The following table compares the functional scope of the respective modules:

  • Max. caracters per data record: Defines the maximum number of characters that can be extracted per data record - this can be particularly relevant for tables with many columns.
  • S_DEVELOP required: to execute modules in the Z namespace the authorization object S_DEVELOP is required.
  • Long texts: long texts are stored in the tables STXH and STXL - newer versions of the module can decode and extract the contents of these tables.
  • FLT & RAW Data types: Supprt of extraction on columns with the data types FLT and RAW.
  • Update via SAINT: Modules in the Z namespace must be maintained via the transactions SE37 and SE80, while updates for certified modules can be installed and updated via the transaction SAINT - SAP Add-On Installation.
  • SAP-Certification: Code in the Z namespaces cannot be certified, while the new module is an SAP Certified Solution.

Function Module

Max. characters per data record

S_DEVELOP required

Long texts

FLT & RAW Data types

Update via SAINT



(all Versions)



(Version 2.0)



(Version 1.7)



(Version 1.6 or older)


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