Known Issues
Issue: Cloning a task involves old or invalid parameters or generates "unknown error occurred" or "unnecessary parameters" messages.
- A task is being cloned.
- The Analytic Group has been changed in the meantime.
- Abortion or error during the creation of the task.
- When cloning the task, a copy of the previous Analytic Group is used. If the Analytic Group has been changed in the meantime, the changes are not included.
- This is a known issue and will be addressed in a future update.
- In the meantime, we recommend selecting a different Analytic Group during task creation and then reselecting the original Analytic Group.
- This will reload the Analytic Group, ensuring that the new parameters or changes are included.
Problem: Data Strategies have the option "Edit" in the context menu, although they are not editable.
- The user has the "Edit" option available in the Data Strategies
- Display error in the user interface
- This problem is known and will be fixed in a future update
- Create a new data strategy or clone an existing one