Release Notes 0.92

Updated 1 year ago by Stephanie Krenz

New Features


The existing schedule option just got advanced by new functionalities. On top of the regular schedule options it is now possible to use the dates of the scheduler to calculate dynamically the extraction period and analytic period.

These new features make it easier for the user to create scheduled delta analytic tasks and differentiate between extraction period and analytic period.

Technical Changes

  • Added names for SQL server(s)
  • Option to create new Audit Types
  • Option to add and remove User(s) or Team(s) from a workspace
  • Enhanced configuration options for the SAP data extraction


  • Fixed several UI issues
  • Fixed issues with the SAP Connector
  • Fixed an issue where empty optional parameter cause the analytic to fail
  • Fixed licensing issues
  • Fixed issues that occur during an analytic task scheduling

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