Release Notes 1.5.x
New Features
Single Sign-On: dab Nexus now integrates with any SSO solution that supports the SAML standard, which includes Azure Active Directory (AAD) and Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS). See our help article about Single Sign-On to get started.

Install dab Nexus like an app: dab Nexus is now a Progressive Web App (PWA) and can be installed like an app, making it available in your taskbar and start menu. Simply click the button in the URL bar of your browser (Chrome or Edge) to install dab Nexus.

Keep your database small: When you delete an analytic run, dab Nexus will now ask you whether you want to remove the data from the database.

Analytic Runs
- Failed or skipped analytic steps are no longer displayed as successfull.
- Parameters only relevant for extraction now aren't shown when reanalyzing.
Package Editor
- Importing a package just after creating a new one doesn't ask you anymore if you want to overwrite the current package.
- Going back after creating a package now is treated the same as leaving the package editor instead of going to the package creation page.
- Spaces are now properly trimmed from table names.
- Exporter packages are now imported without apppending an ID to dependencies that were converted to repositories.
- Renaming a package now also changes its filename.
Further Changes
- There are now parameters that can take on one of a few possible values. dab Nexus shows you the possible values in drop-down menus.
- It is no longer necessary to license overlying BaseTables in order to use Analytic Steps.