dab:Exporter Update for EOL Exporterversion 3.0/3.1/3.2
dab:Exporter Update for EOL Exporterversion 3.0/3.1/3.2
If you want to migrate from 3.0 versions to the current version, please contact the support team first, as problems may occasionally occur when migrating the packages. All other versions should be migrateable without problems.
- Update RFC Module
- Checking the path for certain configurations and adjustments
Before the update you have to check how your current configuration looks like in the mentioned file, because they will be reset to the default settings during the update.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\dabGmbH\dabExporter 4.0\Server\dabExporter.Core.dll.config"
<add key="ConfigFolder" value="%public%/dabgmbh/dabexporter 4.0/data"/>
<add key="LogFolder" value="%public%/dabgmbh/dabexporter 4.0/log"/>
<add key="WorkingFolder" value="%public%/dabgmbh/dabexporter 4.0/work"/>
- Backup of the Config folder in %Public% Folder / Create Support Package