dab:Exporter integration overview

Integration Overview

As a standalone installation the dab:Exporter Server (2) and the dab:Exporter Client (3) can be installed on the same computer.


SAP® - Overview of the connections of the dab:Exporter. We connect to SAP® Versions starting at R/3 4.6c till ERP ECC 6.0 EHP 7.


dab:Exporter Server Includes the central component which manages the connection to the users, the repositories, the system configuration, the packages and the schedules.


dab:Exporter Client(s) Clients are used to edit all necessary configurations on the servers. The clients can connect to several dab:Exporter servers.


Data export on hard drive Analytics by Galvanize (or older) uses data files (.fil) as simple text files (Fixed-Length), which are stored on a file server. The file server is reachable via an UNC path. Data files and the ACL Project file are stored in the same directory.


Data export to Microsoft® SQL Server The dab:Exporter allows you to export your data to SQL Server. Each SAP® system can be mapped to a separate database.


Data export to Analytic Exchange by Galvanize The dab:Exporter can write to Analytic Exchange by Galvanize Repositories and also creates the necessary table layouts in the selected folder.


The communication of the dab:Exporter with the SAP® system is done via a RFC connection. In every SAP® system from which data should be extracted a dab provided function module has to be implemented.


The communication of the dab:Exporter Server and the dab:Exporter Client(s) is based on WCF.

Several different setup variations and options are possible such as: dab:Exporter Server (2) is installed along with the dab:Exporter Client (3) locally on a laptop. The laptop also contains the exported data files (4). (2) and (5) or (6) can also be installed on the same computer and also the Client (3)

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