Activate E-Mail-Notifications

Updated 2 weeks ago by Stephanie Krenz

In order to use the E-Mail-Notifications, the SMTP configuration must be activated and set up in the Application Settings. You can find more information in this article (This setting is available with version 1.12 and higher).
Users must enter the settings listed here in dab Nexus themselves in order for the notifications to be sent.


  1. Click on the Symbol beside your username in the top right corner and then click on Profile
  2. Notifications -> you can set the following settings for you:
    1. Notify me when a run succeeded
    2. Notify me when a run failed
    3. Notify me when a run was canceled
  3. Once you have activated or deactivated the relevant notifications, save the changes with Save Notification Settings

Follow Task

  1. Open an existing Task or create a new one
  2. Follow -> Click on Follow in the top right corner of the Run-Overview
  3. As set in Profiles, you will now receive the relevant notifications when further runs are executed

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