
Updated 7 months ago by Stephanie Krenz

To store the data from your SAP-system, you need a connection to the SQL-server.

Click on Settings at the top, then on SQL Servers on the left-hand side and on + SQL Server at the top right:

  1. Enter a name for the SQL Connection
  2. Connection
  • TCP/IP (recommended) -> Hostname must be specified
  • Named Pipes
  • Shared Memory -> Requires that dab Nexus and SQL-Server are running on the same computer
  1. Host
  • Hostname -> If the server only hosts a single SQL-Server instance (e.g. myserver)
  • Hostname + Instanzname -> If the server hosts multiple SQL-Server instances (e.g. myserver\MYINSTANCE)
  1. Trust server certificate (optional)
  • If active -> The SSL/TLS certificate sent by the server is not validated
  1. Enable TLS encryption (optional)
  • If active -> Server encryption is activated, which means that data traffic between dab Nexus and the SQL-Server is encrypted
  1. Is contained database (optional)
  • If active -> Indicates whether your database is a standalone database (a database that is isolated from other databases and from the instance of SQL-Server that provides the database)
  1. Authentication
  • Windows Authentication -> Use the Windows user on which the dab Nexus service runs
  • SQL-Server Authentication -> Use an SQL user with password
  1. If you selected Windows Authentication in step 7, enter the Windows user name and password here
  2. Permission and Roles
  • For the database, dab Nexus requires the dbowner role
  1. General / Permissions -> Switch between the tabs for the login information for your SQL server and the permissions to use this connection later.
If you now select teams or individual users in the Permissions area, only these teams or users will later have access to this SQL-server connection. If you do not select any teams or users here, everyone will have access to this connection.
  1. Test SQL Server Connection (optional)
  • Here you can test the connection to the SQL-Server and either a success or error message will appear
  1. Create bzw. Create & Close
  • When you click on Create & Close, the SQL connection is saved and the current view is closed, you automatically switch back to the overview of SQL connections

Once the SQL connection has been successfully created, you will receive a success message and the new connection will now be available in the list. The following details can be seen:

  • Name of the SQL connection, host name and instance name, database name if applicable
  • Status of the connection test (NOT TESTED YET, SUCCESSFUL, WARNING, FAILURE) with date and time of the last test
  • When hovering over the connection with the mouse -> click on the three dots next to the connection name -> Here the connection can be activated/deactivated (Deactivate SQL Server), changed (Edit), copied (Clone) or deleted (Delete)
If you deactivate one of the SQL connections, it can no longer be selected when creating tasks. Only when the connection is reactivated can it be used again when creating tasks.

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