Overview of the Workspaces

Updated 3 days ago by Stephanie Krenz

Workspaces allows you to organize and manage tasks, projects and workflows efficiently and clearly. They are the starting point when it comes to creating tasks and runs. A workspace offers you numerous advantages, such as higher productivity, better collaboration and easier access to information. With workspaces, users can create an environment that is tailored to their individual needs and preferences.

For a better overview, it has proven useful to create a separate workspace for each SAP-system, Client, Company Code, Work area or Domain to make it easier to manage the tasks there.

Workspace Creation

Click on Workspaces at the top of the screen and then on + Workspace at the top right

  • Enter a name for the Workspace
  • Optional -> Enter a description
  • Optional -> Assign tags to the workspace (users can create and select these tags themselves in order to find workspaces more quickly in the overview using the sorting function or to better organize workspaces)
  • Optional -> Assign existing teams to the Workspace
    • Selected -> Shows all teams that have already been assigned to the workspace
    • Unselected -> Shows all teams that have not been assigned to the workspace
    • All -> Shows all existing teams
  • Optional -> Assign existing users to the Workspace
    • Selected -> Shows all users that have already been assigned to the workspace
    • Unselected -> Shows all users that have not been assigned to the workspace
    • All -> Shows all existing users
  • Create or Create & Close -> As soon as all settings have been entered, the workspace can be saved -> Create & Close creates the workspace and automatically exits the view and returns to the listing


With a click on Workspaces you see a List of all existing Workspaces.

You see the following information:

Next to the name Workspaces you'll find a search field that you can use to search or filter.

Below this, all the tags used so far are listed on the left-hand side of the screen. By clicking on one or more tags, you can filter out the corresponding workspaces.


You'll find the following information in the detailed view:

  • Name of the Workspace
  • Description (if specified)
  • Tags (if specified)
  • New Task -> With the button + Task in Workspace you can add a new Task to this Workspace
  • Three dots next to the Workspace name -> Here you can see the associated activities, you can edit (Edit), copy (Clone) or delete (Delete) the Workspace
When you delete a workspace, you will receive a message in which you can also delete the associated exported and analyzed data together with the deletion of the workspace. To do this, select the relevant checkbox.

You'll find the following information in the Task overview:

  • Task -> Name of the Task
  • Frequency -> Scheduling of the task or how often a run is executed (if Immediately or Once is shown here, the task was executed once and will not be executed again)
  • Next Run -> Shows when the next run starts when scheduled
  • Total Runs -> Shows how often the task has already been executed
  • Last Run -> Status of the last run, if it was successful, has not yet been executed, has failed or is currently running

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