Create a Package

Create a Package

One of the most important elements in dab:Exporter is the creation of packages. This allows you to cover individual download requirements and perform further analyses.

The steps for creating packages are explained below:

  1. The first step is to log into the dab:Exporter.
  2. In the main menu, select the Package Management button.
  3. In the package manager, click on the folder icon in the upper right corner.

  1. As soon as you have done this, the connection to the SAP® system is checked. This allows you to add all SAP tables to the package later.

  1. In the following overview you can add a name and a description to your package

  1. To add a table to the package, click on the first icon in the row shown in the screenshot

  1. In the following window, you can enter and add the necessary SAP® tables.
    1. You then jump to the relevant table.
    2. If you uncheck Jump to added table, the window remains open after the table has been added.

  1. All fields of the respective table are then displayed

Additional Articles

  1. Obtain table information from SAP®
  2. Create a dependency
  3. Create a Filter

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