Release Notes 1.13.x

Updated 1 month ago by Alexander Bittner

Release Notes 1.13.0



  • Fix an issue with SAP connections that use SAProuter
  • Fixed an issue where attempting to use a date filter for a report lead to an exception
  • Importing a package can no longer bypass the check that no actively used variant is removed
  • ex3pkg package dependencies where "Use only smallest and largest value" was checked are imported with type "Between" instead of "In"
  • Attempting to schedule both the start and end date of an analytic parameter no longer breaks the UI
  • A maximum length of 128 characters is now also enforced for the database name of an analytic run
  • A maximum length of 64 characters is now enforced for the name of an analytic task
  • The "Custom Analytics" page in the content studio no longer appears if custom analytics aren't licensed
  • Long suffix has been removed from the build number

Further Changes

  • dab Nexus has been updated from .NET 7 to .NET 8
  • The output table of a custom analytic can now be up to 128 characters long
  • Support Packages now also include the Configuration.json and Systems.txt files.

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